Friday, February 1, 2008

Ice, Rain, Snow Day!

I woke this morning to a very icy world outside. I was awaken yesterday morning around 5 am to ice hitting our bedroom window. I love the sound of it! It reminds me of being in a cabin with a tin roof during a rain storm. So relaxing! We had a few travel bands up around for no unnecessary travel. Unfortunetly, I had to travel 25 miles to work. On the flip side of that, I love my job so it was no big deal at least the work part. I had to drive between 25 and 35 mph because the roads were so bad. Good news we made it just fine.

Today most of the ice, sleet and snow from yesterday melted off. We do have a bit of slushy yuck out there. Thankfully I don't have to go anywhere today. I have a long to do list for today for here at home. Laundry, deep clean the kitchen, dust and vacuum all rooms, and if I have time I need to go through all the clothes. Little Buck is growing fast. I just bought him pants right before Christmas that he is almost out of. I guess I just need to realize my baby is almost 5 and at that age little boys GROW FAST.

This week I will also be working on our budget. I alway wait until will file our taxes to do this. If we get a refund we like to pay off as many bills as possible with it. After that is done I know what is left to deal with for our budget. I am trying this year to cut out as much as possible. I would like as much of the "extra" to go into savings. In the real world that don't always happen. I'll see what I can do.

Things I'm Thankful for today...

  • My van- It got the kids to my parents for the day and hubby and I to work yesterday safely.

  • My boss- For not minding we were a bit late do to the weather. And also for the raise he gave hubby yesterday. SO unexpected but So grateful for!

  • For thrift stores- The way Little Buck and Bug-a-boo are growing, I am thankful I don't have to pay full price for clothes.

  • I'm also VERY, VERY, VERY Thankful for those men and women who fight for my freedom. God Bless each and everyone one of you! You are always in my prayers!

And so many more...

Please leave my a comment if you have a loved one in the military. I would love to pray for them by name.

Hope you all have a great weekend! ~Jolene

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I hope you are having a wonderful week, Jolene! Thank you for entering my giveaway and the sweet birthday wishes!